Catalans are meticulous in their holiday culinary traditions. The entire country eats the same meals on Christmas day and December 26, Sant Esteve (Saint Stephen's, aka Boxing Day), a day of family gatherings that extends the celebration.
Join chef Camila to make Canelons, the irresistible dish found on the December 26th luncheon table in every Catalan home. Similar to the Italian cannelloni, these baked, stuffed pasta rolls with golden cheese-topped béchamel demonstrate the Italian influence on Catalonian cuisine. Italy is, after all, just across the sea, easier to cross in earlier centuries than the mountain passes into central Spain.
To complete the menu, Camila shakes up another Catalan mainstay, Escalivada, transforming slow-roasted vegetables into a dip to spread on toasts, crackers, or crisp endive leaves. Dessert is Torrón de Xixona Mousse. Made with soft Spanish turrón, it is so elegant and delicious, and can be made in about 15 minutes.