We enjoyed celebrating Mother's Day in May with Camila's Argentinian empanada class, where Camila and her children shared Camila's mother's recipe. With this June class, we hope to teach folks who weren't able to attend that class, which sold out in a heartbeat. In this class, we will prepare two types of empanadas: the large pie-type empanada (called "empanada gallega" in Spain) and the individual dumpling-style empanada as known in Latin America (which in Spain is called empanadilla). They are all popular, simple, and admit infinite variations. This is a perfect technique for creative home cooks and bakers!
Empanada Gallega: Spanish pie-style empanada, filled with bonito (or tuna)
Empanadillas or Empanadas Argentinas, with a traditional corn and bechamel filling known as humita.